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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Entry 38: It's all fixable

The thing is - not every painting comes out "right" after leaving the gate. There's a lot of tweaking and re-tweaking and playing around to get even the best laid plans to work. Here's a really good example of a painting in play:

Am happy with the overall painting...but not happy with her the right side of her face.
If I keep my hand covering it, no one will ever know. 

The overall balance and design is good but her face....what is going on with that face???  it's just odd....not even emo/creepy odd just odd. Something has slipped between the right side and the left -could be the light and shadows are off...?

Okay, love it from this angle.

  • From my Youtube series Studio 120: video entry #30 - about how frustrating an incorrect paintng can be and how to fix it because it's all fixable.

Sharing pictures of the painting (or any painting) at this stage is difficult for me. I see all the embarrassing mistakes, I see everything that isn't right. But posting and sharing gives me the opportunity to see my work clearly and remind myself of a very important rule in painting: It's all fixable.

To see the process and progress of the face of this little girl from beginning to finished end visit:

To purchase this painting
or for info on any of the work shown on my blog please contact:
 Eden Fine Art, NYC:
(212) 888-0177

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