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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Entry 86: F#@K YEAH! - Understanding your worth and the value of your work

Was just going thru some videos on my Youtube channel and posting on Pinterest when I came across this vid from a couple months ago. It's kind of long (and a little angry) but I think it's got a good, strong message that all artists need to hear. It's a very balls to the wall,
 'you are way more valuable than some people want you to believe' talk.
 ...and then I layout a painting and chat
...and then I chat some more about understanding your value, knowing your worth and not allowing people to diminish you and your work.
Try not to bludgeon people afterwards.
To see more videos (most not quite so long) visit -
Studio 120 on Youtube:

How to determine the value of your work: 

A (cost of making art)
Cost: Supplies pictured plus more supplies and more materials plus travel plus rent plus investments in education² times experience²
B (your value as an artist)
 Value: ability and understanding of what you do plus vision and goals plus respect for your work x hard knocks  = C
A + B = C (value of work) 

* Add 25% increase on C every time someone tries to devalue you.

 For more antics, pics, links and info visit:



  1. Hi Beck
    I wanted to know if i could link your blog on my website, I am working my way through your videos (I just found you) This is a week that is finding me not able to work at my studio. You are inspiring and empowering me.
    Thank you kindly,

  2. Tierza you are more than welcome to link my blog - I'm deeply flattered! That's what social networking is all about buddy - linking, interlinking, posting, chatting and sharing. Please link away and thank you for all you interest!
