Inquiries -

Beck's work available thru Eden Fine Art, NYC.
Call: (212) 888-0177 for info OR contact Beck directly with questions!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Entry 10: Available thru Eden Fine Art in Tel Aviv

Photos of work taken in studio before we packed it all up and shipped overseas to Eden Fine Art, Tel Aviv.
"6 beat swing" - 48"  x 60"and "Winter coats" - 48" x 48".
Both pieces are oil on acrylic and aerosol on canvas.
Adding a design and finish to the 3" profile helps the painting to feel bigger, complete, extended and leaves it with no frame needed.

Each painting has it's own unique profile taylored to the piece.
"Sister, my sister" - oil on acrylic and aerosol on 48" x 60" canvas

Detail of: "Sister, my sister" - oil on acrylic and aerosol with oil crayon on 48" x 60" canvas

The finished edge of "Sister, my sister" - oil on acrylic and aerosol on 48" x 60" canvas

"Brothers" - oil on acrylic and aerosol on 48" x 48" canvas
Finished edge of: "Brothers" - oil on acrylic and aerosol on 48" x 48" canvas

All work available exclusively thru:
 Eden Fine Art
(212) 888-0177 
Visit Eden NY on Facebook for more info!

And for pics, updates, links, photos of work in progress and more visit me on Facebook too!


  1. These just leave me breathless. How lucky Tel Aviv
    is to have your art to see and enjoy in person!
    There is something about being front and center of a work that is so powerful and strong. Absolutely gorgeous work.
